Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Inaugural Post

Welcome to my new blog! As I mentioned in my other blog, I don't mind if no one visits this site but me, as it will be a place for me to catalogue my projects, recipes, photos, and favorite things (so I won't forget them). If you are interested in visiting, you are always welcome! Feel free to offer up any of your creative ideas, projects, feedback, suggestions, recipes, random thoughts, etc. I'm all about having too many projects going on at once. It keeps life fun and chaotic. If I ever get to the end of my to-do list, I won't know what to do with myself!
Everyone has a story to tell. I've learned this as a physical therapist, as I have the luxury of getting to know my patients. I've decided that even if my story is boring to others, I'm enjoying it. That's all that matters. On that note, I don't have a project to post today, but will recommend a book....
Listening Is an Act of Love It is a book put out by the StoryCorps project
If you've never heard of StoryCorps, check out the site. It's an oral history project that is featured every Friday morning on NPR. I love it. The radio segment and the book are full of magical stories told by everyday people.

1 comment:

  1. storycorps is one of my favorite things. i've listened to so many on their website and i try to catch it on my way to work every friday morning.
