Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We're back from Maine and catching our breaths - well, trying to. We're all a bit sniffly. Let's hope it passes quickly! As far as my crafty/creative needs, I manage to find ways to work some magic here and there, thus sanity preserved. I have nothing to show for my work yet, but hopefully soon. I have been a bad girl lately - spending too much time on etsy and getting way too many ideas. Good thing we're packing to move, or I may be tempted to actually buy lots of materials. I have exercised restraint and lately have only purchased this. I promise it is being crafted into something and it isn't just sitting there. One problem is I read other craft blogs and get introduced to all of these great fabric lines and designers whom which I would otherwise be blissfully ignorant. I LOVE unicorns and the whole fairy tale theme, but just noticed the price on that Heather Ross fabric bundle - what the heck?!?  UPDATE.....  That item link now no longer works.  Do you mean to tell me someone bought the entire 24 yard collection for $320?  I am jealous and amazed....  Here is Heather Ross's blog so you can see what I was referencing (the fabric designer for the Far, Far Away fabric I'm drooling over - more so now that it is so sought after and pricey - it makes it more exotic.)  

(As you can see, I learned how to use the link tool! I LIKE!)

I'll leave you with some shots of the day. A congested baby getting much needed rest - note the 3 pacifiers and 2 bug bites =( , and a shot from my window. I love this view of the winding driveway that is turning greener by the minute (photo not altered at all!) with all of the gentle rain falling as I type.

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