Monday, June 22, 2009

Strawberry Cream Cake

I cannot take credit for making this recipe, only eating it. Adam's mom is an amazing baker. She made this and I think it's the best cake I've ever had (that doesn't have chocolate in it, but in this season, I'd take this over chocolate - I can't believe I just admitted that). I LOVE it. So, so, so good. She has made it twice and it turned out great both times. She says it is easy to make, too. I've seen some of the recipes she attempts and I wouldn't even dare. Seeing as baking is not my forte, I'd guess that "easy" to her means I could at least tackle it and it would come out alright. I hope so, because it is so good I can't wait for next strawberry season for more. I believe Charlie agrees. He took down a whole piece on his own last night after he ate dinner, and after he had finished his bath. He smelled like strawberries and cream still this morning even though we did our best spot clean. Oh, and I let him eat it for breakfast. He still smelled like it and needed to be cleaned anyway, plus I was eating it and couldn't really say no to him. =)
An aside... the three of us (but mostly Charlie in all honesty) have put away 4 quarts of strawberries in a week and a half. That's just for munching - none have made their way into any recipes. Our local farm and CSA is having their Strawberry Festival this weekend. Very, very exciting. I need more freezer space.

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